
04. 和马修摆龙门阵:从四川方言语境下的中国式 LGBTQ 运动聊起

Jinji Season 1 Episode 4
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00:00:00 | 01:04:44



In this episode of WordsMisunderstood, I’ve invited my friend Matthew to share his story with us in Sichuanhua. Matthew is a social worker who has been involved in the LGBTQ+ movement in China since 2013. I got to know Matthew when I worked at the Chengdu LGBT Center as a volunteer. Last month, Matthew saw me promoting my podcast on social media and mentioned that he has moved to Paris earlier this year. We reconnected and decided to make this episode. To read more about Matthew and the Chengdu LGBT Center:

  1. The Korea Times, Chengdu: China's permissive 'gay capital' refusing to fold
  2. Sixth Tone, Chengdu, the Questionable Queer Capital of China


  1. 电影《每分钟120击/120 BPM》 
  2. 电影《米尔克/Milk》
  3. 魏伟著《公开:当代成都“同志”空间的形成和变迁》
  4. 谢晓珊电影《粉色药丸》
  5. 杜海滨电影《人面桃花》
  6. TV Show, Pose
  7. 杜海滨电影《少年小赵/A Young Patriot》(豆瓣无条目)
  8. 崔荣昌著《四川方言与巴蜀文化》
  9. 刘绍华著《我的凉山兄弟:毒品、艾滋与流动青年》
  10. 端传媒报道《成都49中门口,那些手举菊花、高喊“真相”的人们》
  11. NGOCN报道去年11月的望平街,《我在成都:抗议日,长夜无需一个人》
  12. RFA报道《成都一初中生用红领巾上吊,家长指校方封锁消息》(播客录制过程中误说成高中生,应该是初一学生,特此订正)
  13. 【蔡依林PLAY世界巡迴演唱會- 臺北站】「不一樣又怎樣」紀錄片-葉永鋕篇


  1. Jolin Tsai 蔡依林 - Womxnly 玫瑰少年 / THE FIRST TAKE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UhRWN427ZkU

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