
05. 巴蜀喜剧兴衰考略:关于春晚、李伯清、中江表妹和假老练

Jinji Season 1 Episode 5

这一期打脑壳我想来聊一个轻松点儿的话题——巴蜀方言喜剧的兴衰史。这一期虽然还是单口,但是加入了很多音频资料,算是在audio essay这个方向上的一次尝试。巴蜀喜剧可以聊的内容很多,当然不可能在一集播客里面聊完,如果大家感兴趣,也可以再继续聊具体的方言电视剧。
In this episode of WordsMisunderstood, I want to discuss a topic that is very dear to my heart - comedy in the Sichuan dialect. There's a lot to cover when it comes to Sichuan dialect comedy. This episode is my attempt to lay out a timeline, highlighting its peak in 1998 and its gradual decline on the Chinese comedy stage due to regulations targeting comedy shows delivered in dialects starting from 2004.
It may come as a surprise to young people nowadays that there was once a sketch comedy entirely in Sichuan Dialect on the Spring Festival Gala in 1986. However, after listening to this episode, you should understand that this was not just a mere coincidence, but rather an embodiment of the untapped potential of Sichuan dialect comedy that was never fully realized in modern China.


  1. 《王永梭文集》
  2. 《卖膏药》音频:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1He4y1c7L6/
  3. 1986年央视春节联欢晚会沈伐谐剧《零点七》:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=18irdK2D_Vo
  4. 1998年巴蜀笑星擂台赛(李伯清、沈伐、中江表妹等):https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1mb411U7wJ/
  5. 李伯清坐客《鲁豫有约》:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Wp411o7CV/
  6. 四川方言版《猫和老鼠》:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Sf4y137rf/
  7. LA Times报道方言版猫和老鼠风波
  8. 泰晤士相关报道
  9. 中国新闻报2004年10月4日报道《广电总局“叫停”用方言译制的境外广播电视节目》
  10. 广电总局关于进一步重申电视剧使用规范语言的通知
  11. 纽约时报关于卫视停播方言节目的报道


  1. 施鑫文月《素芬儿,别走》:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8kwjgkK62_A 


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