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06. 乌鲁木齐火灾一年,和马修聊闾丘露薇小说《浮世蔷薇》
In this episode of WordsMisunderstood, Matthew is back with us to discuss Luwei Rose Luqiu’s novel, 浮世蔷薇, published in June this year. The story is about three generations of women in modern China from 60s Shanghai to Hong Kong after the Reform and Opening Up and beyond. It's a tale of love, loss, and, most importantly, courage.
For many people, the pandemic feels like a thing of the past. However, the identities of the victims of the Urumqi fire is still undisclosed to this day. Kamile Wayit, a Uyghur student who participated in commemorating the Urumqi fire victims and protesting their unjust treatment, has yet to be released.
We chose to record this episode during Thanksgiving because the novel's ending unfolds during the Thanksgiving week in 2022, right in the heart of Shanghai. Reading this novel has made us feel like we’re not alone, and we hope you would feel the same after listening to this episode.
- 闾丘露薇著《浮世蔷薇》
- 高行健著《一个人的圣经》
- 《去现场》7月9号的节目“与闾丘露薇聊天”
- 《不明白播客》2022年7月的节目 “闾丘露薇:我在波兰做义工&中国战狼外交是如何崛起的”
- 08年闾丘露薇在汶川采访温家宝提问了豆腐渣工程,但是现在在网络上已经没有相关资料
- 江泽民自传《他改变了中国 》
- 江泽民英文背诵林肯葛底斯堡演说化解八六学潮
打脑壳WordsMisunderstood can now be found on Apple Podcasts (outside of Mainland China), Spotify, Google Podcasts, or through our RSS Link (https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/2243225.rss).