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08. 再谈巴蜀喜剧:和王永梭的第二代谐剧表演学生摆龙门阵
In this episode of WordsMisunderstood, we're diving back into the world of Sichuan comedy. This time, I've invited my friend Fuyan, a third-generation performer of Sichuan solo sketch comedy (Xieju), to share her stories and insights. We discuss the fundamentals of Sichuanhua performance, the differences between male and female solo sketch performers, and the challenges faced by dialect comedy actors, among other topics. We had a blast putting this episode together, and we hope it brings a smile to your face as you tune in!
- 《王文梭文集》
- 听友 @TomBener 分享的王文虎,张一舟,周家筠著《四川方言词典》
- 南都周刊2008年6月23日报道《羌寨离歌:地震对羌族文化造成不可复原的伤害》
- 颜歌著《平乐县志》
- 单读《当代剧作选——今天全部停止》
- 汉诺赫•列文剧作《安魂曲》
Subscribe to 打脑壳WordsMisunderstood on Apple Podcasts (outside of Mainland China), Spotify, Google Podcasts, or through our RSS Link (https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/2243225.rss).
📧 jinjiwords[at]gmail.com