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09. 2000年初,两个老外镜头下的成都和重庆农民工:纪录片《拆迁》和《沿江而上》
这期节目又回到单口的形式,我来聊两部纪录片,第一部叫《拆迁》,美国导演J.P. Sniadecki跟拍了成都省体育馆旁边的一个拆迁工地的日常,第二部叫《沿江而上》,加拿大华裔导演张侨勇跟拍了三峡大坝蓄水前后,在长江上一艘专门接待外国游客的豪华观光邮轮上打工的两个年轻人。聊《拆迁》涉及剧透的部分在22‘20’’-27’59’’,介意的朋友可以先看片子再听。
In this episode, I'll be discussing two documentaries made in the early 2000s about Chinese migrant workers. The first one is called “Demolition”, directed by American filmmaker J.P. Sniadecki. It captures the daily life at a demolition site next to the Chengdu Provincial Stadium. The second one is “Up the Yangtze”, directed by Canadian-Chinese filmmaker Yang Chang. It follows two young workers on a luxury sightseeing cruise ship on the Yangtze River during the construction of the Three Gorges Dam.
- Chaiqian (Demolition)
- 沿江而上 Up the Yangtze (注:这个版本只有英文字幕)
- "Chaiqian/Demolition: Reflections on Media Practice" in Visual Anthropology Review. Spring 2014. Volume 30, Issue 1.
- 罗子渔,"购物中心有鬼?关于成都某商场的都市传说",发表于结绳志
- Manufactured Landscape
- dujuan & K,“鬼城”丰都如今是什么“鬼”样子,发表于Life and Arts集锦
- 四川人民出版社2005年11月第一版《当代四川要事实录》书中廖伯康“历史长河里的一个漩涡”一文写到他冒风险向胡耀邦、杨尚昆汇报四川死人问题严重。他在文中写到“他们问究竟死了多少人?我说死了一千万以上啊!“。
- Up the Yangtze Q&A with Yung Chang at TIFF
- Yu Shui - Olivier Alary
- Flooding - Olivier Alary
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